Title | Reference ID | Date | Format | Inscription | Bibliography |
Aigosthena. Inscription | IG VII.222 |
223-192 BCE |
14 [— — — — — — — — — — — —]
P. Roesch, Thespies 125 n. 2 |
Aigosthena. Inscription | IG VII.220 |
223-192 BCE |
9 Δαματρίου ἄρχοντος ἐν Ὀγχηστῶι, ἐ[πὶ δὲ πόλιος — — —, τοίδε ἐξ ἐφή]- |
P. Roesch, Thespies 125 n. 2 |
Aigosthena. Inscription | IG VII.218 |
214-193 BCE |
Θεοτίμου ἄρχοντος ἐν Ὀγχηστῶι, |
P. Roesch, Thespies 125 n. 2 |
Aigosthena. Inscription | IG VII.217 |
215-194 BCE |
Ἀριστοκλέος ἄρχοντος ἐν |
P. Roesch, Thespies 125 n. 2 |
Aigosthena. Inscription | IG VII.216 |
216-195 BCE |
Μνάσωνος ἄρχοντος ἐν Ὀγ- |
P. Roesch, Thespies 125 n. 2 |
Aigosthena. Inscription | IG VII.215 |
217-196 BCE |
Χαριλάου ἄρχοντος ἐν Ὀγχησ[τῷ, ἐπὶ] |
P. Roesch, Thespies 125 n. 2 |
Aigosthena. Inscription | IG VII.214 |
218-197 BCE |
[—]ονίδου ἄ[ρχον]τ[ος] ἐν Ὀγχη[σ]τῶι, ἐπὶ δὲ πόλιος [Δι]οδώ[ρου], |
P. Roesch, Thespies 125 n. 2 |
Aigosthena. Inscription | IG VII.212 |
219-198 BCE |
[— — —]λλου ἄρχοντος ἐν Ὀγχηστῶι, ἐπὶ δὲ πόλιος Κ[α]λ- |
P. Roesch, Thespies 125 n. 2 |
Aigosthena. Inscription | VII.211 |
221-199 BCE |
3 Ἱππίαο ἄρχοντος |
P. Roesch, Thespies 125 n. 2 |
Aigosthena. Inscription | IG VII.210 |
222-200 BCE |
Ὀνασίμου ἄρχοντος ἐν Ὀγχηστῶι, ἐξ ἐ[φή]- |
P. Roesch, Thespies 125 n. 2 |
Aigosthena. Inscription | IG VII.209 (ll. 25-33) |
223-201 BCE |
25 Καφισία[ο] ἄρχοντος ἐν Ὀγχη- |
P. Roesch, Thespies 125 n. 2 |
Aigosthena. Inscription | IG VII.221 |
223-192 BCE |
11 Κομάδδου ἄ[ρχοντος ἐν Ὀγχηστῷ, ἐπὶ δὲ πόλι]-
Akraiphia(?). Inscription | SEG 3.361 |
Undated |
- - - ος ἄρχοντος ἐν Ὀγ|[χειστοῖ, ἐπὶ] δὲ πόλιος Πτωϊοδώρω, | |
P. Roesch, Thespies 125 n. 2 |
Boiotia. Unknown provenance. Inscription naming the "Archon at Onchestos" | SEG 23.281 |
Beginning of the 2nd century BCE |
Fragmentum parvum lap. calc., undique nisi supra mutilum | Θ̣ ι [ό ς]. |
Chalkis. Catalogue | IG XII 9:912; SEG 15.562 |
308-304 BCE(?) |
[— —]οκλῆς Ν[— — —] |
J. and L. Robert, Bull. épigr. 1956 226; P. Roesch, EB 268 |
Chalkis. Inscription naming the "Archon at Onchestos" | IG XII.9.912 |
308-304 BCE? |
[— —]οκλῆς Ν[— — —] |
A. Schachter, Cults II, 208 |
Delphi. Inscription | IG IX, 12 1:170 (Frg.a, ll. 1-18) |
291 BCE(?) |
frg. a |
H. Schmidt, Staatsverträge III 96-99, n. 463; H. Pomtow, Sylloge3 366; P. Roesch, EB 270 |
Elateia. Treaty of alliance between the Boiotian Koinon and the Koinon of the Phokeis | IG IX, 1 98; SEG 45.507 |
Shortly after 196 BCE or c. 228-224 BCE |
— — — |
R. Flacelièr, Les Ait. à D. 289, n. 2; F. Schober, RE, s.v. Phokis 493; P. Roesch, EB 270, 359-364 |
Megara. Inscription | IG VII.27 (ll. 1-10) |
223-192 BCE |
ἄρχοντος Κλειμάχου, |
P. Roesch, Thespies 125 n. 2 |
Megara. Inscription | IG VII.28 |
223-192 BCE |
ἄρχοντος Ὁμόφρ[ο]νος, |
P. Roesch, Thespies 125 n. 2 |
Megara. Inscription naming the "Archon at Onchestos" | IG VII.28 |
223-192 BCE |
ἄρχοντος Ὁμόφρ[ο]νος, |
Schachter, Cults II, 208 |
Megara. Inscription naming the "Archon at Onchestos" | IG VII.27 |
223-192 BCE |
ἄρχοντος Κλειμάχου,
Schachter, Cults II, 208 |
Onchestos (Poseidonion?). Dedication to Poseidon Empylaios | IG VII 2465; 36.437 |
Undated |
Stele | Θεοκκὼ Ἑρμαΐω ἱάρει[α] |
Edd. ex E. Curtii apographo K. Keil Sylloge Inscr. Boeot. p. 73 n. XII. Rangabé Ant. Hell. 1212 (Lebas Inscr. II, 483). Ulrichs Annali dell' Inst. arch. Rom. XX (1948) p. 49 n. II. C Bursian in epistula ad Henzenum Bull. dell' Inst. arch. Rom. 1854 p. XXXIV. Lithographia accurate expressum exhibet W. Vischer Epigraph. und archäol. Beiträge aus Griechenland p. 49 (Kleine Schriften II p. 73) tab. VI n. 7 (P. Cauer Delectus Inscr. Graec. ed. 2 n. 354. W. Larfeld Sylloge Inscr. Boeot. 314. R. Meister ap. Bezzenberger Beiträge VI p. 195 n. 37 et ap. Collitz Griech. Dialektinschr. I p. 240 n. 718); A. Schachter, Cults II, 209, 217-218. |
Onchestos (Poseidonion)? Inscription on statue of Poseidon | SEG 36.434,2 |
c. 500-480 BCE |
Θιοπιθίδας |
A. Wilhelm, Beiträge zur griechischen Inschriftenkunde (1904) 122 no. 108; A. Schachter, Cults II 207 and 216 note 6 |
Onchestos (Poseidonion)? Inscription on statue of Poseidon | SEG 36.434,1 |
c. 500-480 BCE |
τô Ποτειδάο|νος ⋮ ℎιαρός. |
A. Nikolaos, AE (1899) 57-74; A. Schachter, Cults II 207 and 216 note 6 |
Onchestos (Poseidonion). Dedication to Poseidon | SEG 27.62; SEG 36.436 |
Limestone base | Πολυστρότα | Ποτιδάονι, | Πουθίναο | ἱαραρχίοντος. |
Ed. pr. T.G. Spyropoulos, AAA 6 (1973) 381 (ph.); id., AD 28 B1 (1973) [1977] 270; J.P. Michaud, BCH 98 (1974) 644. Cf. P. Roesch, TEIRESIAS, Epigraphica (1976) 11, no. 26 and ibid. (1978) 25, no. 39; Schachter Cults II, 216 note 5, 218 |
Onchestos (Poseidonion). Dedication to Poseidon | SEG 27.61 |
6th-5th cent. BCE |
Limestone | Ποτειδάονι M[. .]ο̄v ἀνἐθε̄κε |
Ed. pr. T.G. Spyropoulos, AAA 6 (1973) 381 (ph.); id., AD 28 B1 (1973) [1977] 270; J.P. Michaud, BCH 98 (1974) 644 (= P. Roesch, TEIRESIAS, Epigraphica, 1976, p. 10, no. 25). |
Onchestos (Poseidonion). Federal proxeny decree for the Athenian Kallipidas | SEG 27.60 |
Late 4th cent. BCE |
Stele | Θιός· Ὀλυμπίχω ἄρχοντος |
Ed. pr. T.G. Spyropoulos, TEIRESIAS 3 (1973) 384; id., AAA 6 (1973) 381; id., AD 28 B1 (1973) [1977] 270; J.P. Michaud, BCH 98 (1974) 644 - 645 (ph.). Cf. J. and L. Robert, BE (1973) no. 212 and P. Roesch, TEIRESIAS, Epigraphica(1976) 10, no. 24 and ibid. (1978) 25, no. 39 and ibid. (1982) 274 (ph.); Schachter Cults II, 209 |
Onchestos? Roman tombstone | IG VII 2845 |
Undated |
Ἀμφ̣ικράτ<ει>α |
Onchestos. Dedication | SEG 25.554 |
5th cent. BCE |
Fragments of two connected marble epistyles | Ἁριάρτιοι — τὸ - - - - - - |
Ed. pr. E. Touloupa, AD 19B 1964, 201, c. im. ph. pl. 237β |
Onchestos. Dedication to Poseidon or boundary stone of his sanctuary | SEG 30.442; SEG 36.435 |
5th cent. BCE |
Ḅιασσθενῆο | Ποτιδάονος Above the inscription a roughly incised graffito with punctuation: HEBA ⁝ HBA- -; |
S. Lauffer, CHIRON 10 (1980) 162 no. 2; P. Roesch, TEIRESIAS, Epigraphica (1980) 3 no. 9; Schachter, Cults II, 13 ff. 3, 217 |
Onchestos. Proxeny decree of the Boeotian Koinon for Oikles of Pellana | SEG 25.553; SEG 32.476; 38.385; 50.486 |
mid 4th cent. BCE (shortly after 338 BCE) |
Marble stele with pediment | Θεοί. Republished by P. Roesch, EB 271-272: Ἔδοξε τοῖ κοινοῖ Βοιω- |
Ed. pr. E. Touloupa, AD 19B 1964, 200/201, c. im. ph. pl. 237γ; P. Roesch, EB 271-272 (ph.). |
Onchestos(?). Proxeny decree of the Boeotian Koinon | SEG 26.573 |
c. 300 BCE |
1 Πολυξένον ἄρχον |
Ed. pr. (S. Dragoumis) AE (1909) col. 55-56. |
Thespiai (nunc Thebis in museo). Tabula magistratuum Thespiensium | SEG 23.271 |
c. 220-210 BCE |
Limestone stele | ll. 62-68 Ἐπιγένε[ι]ος ἄρ[χ]οντος, ἀρχὴ ἐσσώμο[σ]σαν· |
A. D. Keramopoullos, Ἀρχ. Δελτ. XIV 1931/2, 28/40, c. im. ph. ectypi vss. 23/8 fig. 2 et textu in pl. 4 et 4α exscripto; P. Roesch, Thespies et la Confédération béotienne, 1965, 3/28, c. imm. ph. pl. I/VI, 18/19; A. Schachter, Cults II, 209; P. Roesch, EB, 268
Thespiai. Catalogue of ephebes, naming the "Archon at Onchestos" | SEG 25.504 |
3rd/2nd cenrury BCE |
Stelam integram lap. calc. glauci | (a). In fronte. (b). In latere sinistro. |
ed. R. C. Ross, Hesperia XXXVII 1968, 255/64 n. I, c. imm. ph. pl. 75/6, qui de anno Charopini atque Epimachani archontum praecipue disserit. De Epimachano, quem eundem esse atque archontem apud IG VII 1727 nominatum urget Ross, et Charopino Boeotorum a. 192a(?) archonte cf. P. Roesch, Thespies et la Confédération béotienne, 1965, 90/2. A. Schachter, Cults II, 208. |
Thespiai. Inscription naming the "Archon at Onchestos" | IG VII.1748 |
mid-3rd/2nd century BCE |
[— — — —] ἄρχοντος ἐπὶ πόλιο[ς τοῦ] |
P. Roesch, Thespies 125 n. 2; A. Schachter, Cults II, 208 |
Thespiai. Inscription naming the "Archon at Onchestos" | IG VII.1747
c. 300-250 BCE |
[— —]ίκω ἄρχοντος ἐν Ὀγχε̄στοῖ, |
P. Roesch, Thespies 125 n. 2; A. Schachter, Cults II, 208 |
Thespiai. Inscription naming the "Archon at Onchestos" | IG VII.1750 |
mid 3rd/2nd century BCE |
[— — — —] ἄρχοντος ἐ[ν Ὀγχειστοῖ, ἐπὶ δὲ πόλιος] |
A. Schachter, Cults II, 208 |
Thespiai. Inscription naming the "Archon at Onchestos" | IG VII.1755 |
Undated |
[ἐπὶ — —]λ[ω] ἄρχοντος ἐπὶ πό[λ]ιος [δὲ ἐ]πὶ Ε[— —]τΙ[— — —] |
A. Schachter, Cults II, 208 |
Thespiai. Inscription naming the "Archon at Onchestos" | BCH 70 476.1 |
c. 255-245 BCE |
Upper part of a limestone stele | — — ἄρχοντος] εν Όγχεστοῖ, [ἐπὶ] πόλιος |
Ed. A. D. Kéramopoullos, Άρχ. Έφ., 1936, Xp., p. 25, n° 192; A. Plassart, BCH 70, 476.1; A Schachter, Cults II, 208 |
Thespiai. Inscription naming the "Archon at Onchestos" | BCH 70 477.3 |
c. 255-245 BCE |
Limestone stele | Ἀρσιφρώνδαο ἄρχοντος ἐν Όγχειστοῖ, ἐπί δὲ |
A. Plassart, BCH 70, 477.3; A Schachter, Cults II, 208 |
Thespiai. Inscription naming the "Archon at Onchestos" | BCH 70 479.5 |
c. 200-180 BCE |
Gray limestone stele | [Θ] ε ό ς |
A. Plassart, BCH 70, 479.5; A Schachter, Cults II, 208 |
Thespiai. Inscription naming the "Archon at Onchestos" | BCH 70.479.6 |
c. 200-180 BCE |
Limestone stele | ......[ἄρχοντο]ς ἐν [Ὀγχειστοῖ |
A. Plassart, BCH 70, 479.6; A Schachter, Cults II, 208 |
Thespiai. Inscription naming the "Archon at Onchestos" | BCH 70 480.7 |
c. 200-180 BCE |
Upper part of a limestone stele | Θ ε ο ί |
A. Plassart, BCH 70, 480.7; A Schachter, Cults II, 208 |
Thespiai. Inscription naming the "Archon at Onchestos" | BCH 70 481.8 |
c. 200-180 BCE |
Fragment of a limestone stele | .....Ιvoς ἄρ̣[χ]ον[τος ἐπὶ |
A. Plassart, BCH 70, 481.8; A Schachter, Cults II, 208 |