Onchestos (Poseidonion?). Dedication to Poseidon Empylaios

Reference ID

IG VII 2465; 36.437




Θεοκκὼ Ἑρμαΐω ἱάρει[α]
Ποτειδάονι Ἐμπυλήο[ι].


Edd. ex E. Curtii apographo K. Keil Sylloge Inscr. Boeot. p. 73 n. XII. Rangabé Ant. Hell. 1212 (Lebas Inscr. II, 483). Ulrichs Annali dell' Inst. arch. Rom. XX (1948) p. 49 n. II. C Bursian in epistula ad Henzenum Bull. dell' Inst. arch. Rom. 1854 p. XXXIV. Lithographia accurate expressum exhibet W. Vischer Epigraph. und archäol. Beiträge aus Griechenland p. 49 (Kleine Schriften II p. 73) tab. VI n. 7 (P. Cauer Delectus Inscr. Graec. ed. 2 n. 354. W. Larfeld Sylloge Inscr. Boeot. 314. R. Meister ap. Bezzenberger Beiträge VI p. 195 n. 37 et ap. Collitz Griech. Dialektinschr. I p. 240 n. 718); A. Schachter, Cults II, 209, 217-218.

Bibliographic Notes

SEG 36.437: 

IG VII 2465. A. Schachter, Cults II 217/218, argues that this dedication Ποτεδάονι Ἐμπυλήο[ι] may have come to Thebes from Onchestos. Though a “Poseidon of the Gate” could be at home at Thebes, the epithet seems to fit perfectly the location of the god’s sanctuary at the crest of a pass in Onchestos. Cf. SEG 15 377: 4th cent. B.C. dedication from Larisa Ποτειδῶνι Κραναίωι Πυλαίωι.
