Abbreviated Work Title
Plin. Nat. 4.12
Naturalis Historia
Book 4, chpt. 12
Cuius Anthedon, Onchestos, Thespiae liberum oppidum, Lebadea nec cedentes Athenis claritate quae cognominantur Boeotiae Thebae, duorum numinum Liberi atque Herculis, ut volunt, patria.
In this country [Boeotia] are Anthedon, Onchestus, the free town of Thespiæ, Lebadea, and then Thebes, surnamed Bœotian, which does not yield the palm to Athens even in celebrity; the native land, according to the common notion, of the two Divinities Liber and Hercules.
Translated By
Karl Friedrich Theodor Mayhoff, 1906